St Peter / Balsall Common

To download a copy of this weeks newsletter as a PDF(Adobe Reader) file - PRESS HERE

Welcome to St Peter’s Newsletter for the week beginning May 12th:



Worship on this 

Seventh Sunday of EASTER 

The liturgical colour is white

09:30am Sung Eucharist led by Peter Boyden

To follow the service from your home, click on this link after 09:20 – it will open in YouTube

& 11:00am Informal Service To follow the service from your home, click on this link after 10:50 – it will open in YouTube

BIBLE READINGS Acts 1.15-17,21-26

1 John 5.9-13 

John 17.6-19 


Risen, ascended Lord, 

as we rejoice at your triumph, 

fill your Church on earth with power and compassion, 

that all who are estranged by sin 

may find forgiveness and know your peace, 

to the glory of God the Father. 

‘Livestreamed’ services can be accessed at any time thereafter by visiting the church ‘access’ page 

to find the links for services


09:30am SWITCH 11:00am Holy Communion with hymns led by John Tsipouras 

What’s on at St Peter’s week beginning 12th May 2024 

THURSDAY • 2:00pm – 4:00pm Warm Welcome ‘Drop-in’ including a selection of activities and refreshments, everyone is welcome. 

FRIDAY • 1:30pm - 3:00pm TEENY TINIES & TODDLERS in the hall, with refreshments! 

For your daily prayers 

This week we are asked prayerfully to remember: Diocesan staff; the fishing industry; 

residents of Balsall St East & Welby Gate; countries coping with famine and drought 

• Those who are ill, struggling or recovering, including: Jean Mauger, 

George Badger, Yvonne Gorton, Joan Rampton, Kathryn, Sean Reyes, Angela Cotterill & Joyce Marlow 

Those who have died recently: • those whose anniversary of death occurs at this time: Audrey Tilling, 

Ann Gatehouse, Paul Bloodworth, Iris Pryce, Sam Beddoes 

Please continue to pray for those of our congregation who cannot worship with us due to poor health or infirmity 

CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 12th – 18th May 

This year, Christian Aid Week will focus on the poverty in the communities of Burundi. 

Over 70% of people in Burundi face hunger and poverty every single day. 

Finding work and food is a constant battle, and even those with a roof over their heads 

often lack necessities like electricity and clean water. You can donate directly via the following link:

MU CARD STALL on Sunday 12th May @ coffee, in the hall. 

We have a wonderful selection of birthday, blank, and sympathy cards 

available at great value prices. 

All purchases help to support the work of the Mothers’ Union in 

Birmingham Diocese and worldwide. 

For further information contact Chris Price 01676 532625 


In summer this year our new Diocesan Synod will be elected to serve for a 

three-year term. Diocesan Synod Members help to shape the big decisions 

about our ministry and mission together, and are an important part of the leadership 

of the church in CofE Birmingham. Bishop Michael says,

‘The task of Synod is to advise the Bishop on matters he consults Synod members on. 

In our shared life together we encounter many significant challenges and joys; within our 

churches and as we reach out and hold the concerns and celebrations of people across

the region, nationally and internationally. Please give serious consideration and prayer to whether 

God may be calling you to serve in this way.’ 

The closing date for nominations is 12 noon on Wednesday 29 May 2024

Please note proposers and seconders must be from the House of Laity in Yardley & Solihull Deanery Synod. 

If more nominations are received than the remaining places to be filled, an election will take place. 

A dedicated CofEB webpage has been created which gives lots more information and a downloadable nomination form - when clicking Here

HELPING HANDS continue to need our support & are very grateful for the donations we give. 

Demand is still high and at present the greatest need is for: tea bags, biscuits and jam as well as the usual toiletries. 

NO MOW MAY We can help our vital pollinators - like bees and butterflies - by not mowing. We’ve lost c.97% of our flower rich meadows since the 1930s - 

and the vital food they provide for pollinators. Fortunately our lawns can help - with over 20 million gardens in the UK 

leaving even a small patch of grass to grow during May helps provide the food our essential pollinators need as well 

as giving an opportunity for our native wildflowers to grow. Experts suggest that strips or borders on larger sites are fine. 

Please share your tips and good ideas with everyone – email them to Rachel Westwood our ECO churchleader or the editor